Your parent information is right here! Use this resource page to get quick access and answers to all of your questions – from school supplies to dress code questions and various forms you might need.
Parent Resources
Hot Lunch
GCS Partners with Wholesome Food Services on daily lunch orders. A variety of nutritious items can be ordered each day and are delivered hot and ready for students.
Grove Gear
Get your Grove Gear here!
School Calendar
This is a quick glance at all important dates for the school year.
Athletics Calendar
Check our athletics calendar for all team events. Away games have address information so you won’t miss a game!
Grove offers before and aftercare services for students. Services include both monthly plans as well as daily drop in services.
Support GCS
Make a donation to Grove and support Christian education.
School Supplies
School supply lists are available here and arranged by grade.
Medical Forms
Medication Permission to Administer
Please review and submit all relevant forms prior to bringing medicine to campus. Contact the GCS clinic with questions.