Our team of teachers is made up of licensed and degreed professionals with experience, training, certifications – and most importantly, a love for the Lord and His children. The team commits to prayer with and for each child so that each child knows that they are a special child of God. Teachers and staff meet each morning prior to student arrival for devotions and prayer to spiritually prepare to ministering to the children.
Each teacher has training and experience; but, most importantly, everyone is committed to partnering with parents to minister to the class as a whole and to each individual child. In addition to designing engaging lessons and meaningful assessments of learning, our teachers work to support the needs of the whole child – spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically. Teachers throughout the school work together to make sure each child is ready to progress effectively to the next grade level.
Our teachers incorporate extra curricular opportunities for learning – specialized projects, competitions, field trips – to help challenge students and make learning more interactive.